Friday, March 26, 2010

First post and an Explanation.

Hello WORLD!

In this negative world we live in there are times when we just need to sit back and just find the little things to be thankful for.

I have started this blog to do just that. Find thanks for the little things EVERY DAY!

Here are the rules I have put in place for myself:
1: I have to find at least ONE thing to be thankful for everyday

2: Instead of just writing, I want do take a picture... Taking a picture makes things tangible. I have to really look for something to be thankful for.

3: I cannot repeat entries. I having to find something different to be thankful for everyday.

4: I will do this for a WHOLE year! By the end I will have at least 365 pictures of things that I am thankful for.

I am looking forward to having a blog full of thankfuls.

Join me if you like...

Tell me so I can see what YOU are thankful for!

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